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Photo by Jeremy Wong Weddings on Marriage
The personal habit in the man whom a woman marries is of great importance, this is not only for because of herself but even more for her children. If in all other matters a man has proven himself thoroughly desirable, but there is doubt about his habits of life, in particular, no step should be taken until she is assured that he is wholly acceptable. Truly speaking it would be that a woman will have every right to expect the same purity of life in the man whom she marries as he demands from her. It is almost widely conceded that a young man must sow his old way of life, and no thought was given to the girl who might be ruined because of his old habits of life, or to the harvest which might result from that sowing. Well, the majority of parents also accept the saying that a reformed fornicator made the best husband. And the idea is that having had his pass, he is now ready to settle down and devote himself exclusively to one woman. That through his many-sided experiences with many women, he was supposed to have become a past master in the art of charming the feminine heart, and so the woman to whom he brought his final and lasting devotion, was to be looked upon as being fortunate.

The knowledge which the modern science has gained of the physical consequences which have as a result of the form of moral transgression is now to be thoroughly aware that the woman who marries a reformed fornicator is running a terrible risk. It must be known that the sufferings of the bride and the tragedy of her children were not the workings of a mysterious providence, but it was the direct, inescapable consequences of the sowing of the wild oats (that is the old habits of the husband) which had taken place in her husband’s youthful days. For this reason, every young woman must have a vital interest in the habits of young men. If the man has a right to demand absolute chastity of life and purity of thought in the bride whom they lead to the altar, so she also has an equal right to demand exactly the same thing from them. She must demand it, not only for her own sake but also because she is choosing half of the inheritance of her children. She dare not accept that which is threatening to plague the helpless little one's lives, to send them into the world blind, or to be idiotic, epileptic, or burdened with some other physical handicaps from which they can never hope to escape.
The consequences which come as the result of sexual immortality are called the venereal diseases. This what a woman should know about the diseases. The diseases are three in number. They are namely: Syphilis, gonorrhea, and chancroid. The chancroid which is the last one is the least serious and the least frequent of the three common venereal diseases. While the other two diseases are the most serious from which the majority of the people in the world suffers from. While gonorrhea was at one time considered a little worse than a cold, but now it is known that its consequences are so lasting that it must be looked upon as of equally tragic importance with syphilis. Both the two diseases are due to micro-organisms, which, when once established in the blood, they are almost ineradicable. If the offender was only the one who suffers from the disease, it would have not been so deeply concerned. But too often, however, it is the innocent wife and the helpless children who must carry the heaviest part of the burden of the payback. But also, it is not only in the married relation that the infection may be conveyed. If the virulent discharge can find any least break in the skin through which the micro-organisms can enter the system, then infection takes place. So, therefore, it is for this reason that the disease of syphilis is such a serious threat to society at large. The mother, or sister, or friend, of the diseased individual, may become infected through using the same drinking cup, the same towel, the same napkin, or through a kiss. And whether the infection is innocently received or not, the course of the disease is practically the same, it takes from two to eight weeks before the germs make enough poison to cause the first sign of the disease to appear. And at that time, a small red spot like a pimple or ulcer may be noticed. This is hard to touch, and it is called a chancre. That is the best time for it to be treated. If the disease is taken at this stage, there is all hope in the world that its further progress may be completely averted. For this reason, attention should be paid at once to any small sore, hard in character, especially if it appears upon the sex organs. But if the proper treatment is not given at this time, then the poisonous germs develop with great rapidity and starting through the general circulation, it grows in strength and number from day to day. And from six weeks to three months, enough poison will be developed to cause the second stage of the disease. The symptom of the second stage is known through headaches, bone pains, fever sores in the mouth and throat, skin rashes, or swelling of the glands. And at this time, the treatment is imperative and must be followed persistently and unceasingly, until the severest test has been proven to be successful. But if the second stage is neglected or the treatment gave up before when it should end, then inescapably will develop the third stage. And this third stage comes very slowly, and sometimes many years after the patient has supposed that he or she was cured completely. This may take anywhere from one to twenty years for the third stage to make its presence unmistakably known. The terrible creeping paralysis is known as locomotor ataxia, general paresis, hardening of the arteries, some forms of insanity, deformities and chronic heart disease may all come from the cause.
Therefore, every woman must know these facts before marriage. She needs the knowledge of this so that she may understand the vital importance of protecting herself from marriage with a man suffering from such disease. And even after marriage, she needs the knowledge, not only for her own protection but also to ensure that her husband, if he should have become infected, will take the necessary treatment until he is absolutely cured.

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