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  •  One of the great cause of matrimony infelicity is the hasty marriages of two people who have no adequate knowledge of each other's characters. Two strangers become acquainted, and are attracted to each other, and without taking half the trouble to investigate or make any inquiry, they are married, in a few months, found out that the man is drunken, or vicious, or the woman is not who she show to be. Then begins the bitter part of the experience, shame, disgrace, scandal, separation, sin and divorce, all comes as the natural results of a rash and foolish marriage.

  • There are some lessons which people are very too slow to learn, and yet which are based upon the simple principles of common sense. When a young lady says, “i mean to have that man.” she plies her arts, engage his affections, marries him, and secures for herself a life of sorrow and disappointment, ending in a broken up home or an early grave.

  • Many marriages are undoubtedly arranged by what may be termed the accident of locality. People that live near each other, become acquainted, and engage themselves to those whom they never would have selected as their companions in life if they had wider opportunities of acquaintance. Within the borders of their limited circle they make a selection which may be wise or may be unwise. They have no means of judging, they allow no one else to judge for them. The results are sometimes happy and sometimes unhappy in the extreme. It is well to act cautiously in doing what can be done but once. It is not a pleasant experience for a person to find out a mistake when it is too late to rectify it.

  • Do not be in a hurry, take your time and consider well before you allow your devotion to rule you. Study first your character, then study the character of the person you desire to marry. Love works mysteriously, and if it will bear careful and cool investigation, it will no doubt thrive under adversity. When people married they unite their destinies for the better or the worse. Marriage is a contract for life and will never bear a hasty conclusion.

  • When two people of the opposite sex are thrown together, they are very naturally attracted to each other, and are liable to imbibe the opinion that they are better fitted for life-long companionship than any other two persons in the world. This may be the case, or it may not be. But there are a thousand chances against such a conclusion to one in favor of it. But even if at the present moment they were fitted together, no one can tell whether the case will be the same five or ten years after. Men change, so likewise women, they are not the same as they were ten years ago, and so are they not going to be the same ten years later.
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